digital transformation, ERP

Digital Transformation vs. ERP Implementation: A Comparison

Digital Transformation vs. ERP Implementation: A Comparison

For many business organizations undertaking a new enterprise software solution implementation such as an ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning) system, there’s one question they might need to consider: whether this is a straightforward ERP implementation project or it’s a company-wide digital transformation?

Gaps In Business Transformation And How To Fill It

This might sound like an insignificant question at times, but the answer to this question will have a large impact on business organizations. Specifically, the overall objective of such an enterprise software initiative and how the project will be carried out, all will be heavily influenced by this decision.

First, let’s consider in details the difference between ERP implementations and digital transformations:

Difference between ERP implementation and Digital Transformation.

Business Processes Streamlining, or Neccessary Disruption

ERP implementation usually involves the integration of various applications to allow business organizations to manage their operations and automate a variety of business functions related to services, and technology. Implementing an ERP system such as Odoo helps businesses to connect the people, processes, and technology through one single source of data truth, which provides an enhancement and streamline business processes.

Digital transformation services, on the other hand, significantly and necessarily disrupts and improves existing business processes. In particular, with digital transformation, business organizations will try to leverage innovative and emerging technologies to offer better products and services to their customers, together with an all-around improvement on business functions and productivity.

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