software development

Advantages of Dart Programming Language for Software Development

If you are looking for an application programming language that is easy to learn, highly scalable and deployable everywhere, then do try Dart. This article introduces readers to its exciting array of features. Dart is a programming language developed at Google. The primary developers behind it are Lark Bak and Kasper Lund. Dart was first… Continue reading Advantages of Dart Programming Language for Software Development

digital transformation, machine learning

Machine Learning in Mobile Application Development

The technology that promises to bring massive changes to the world in the next few years is machine learning (ML). Machine learning is a subfield of Artificial Intelligence research and got the highest spotlight in business. ML represents a new era in software development where computers, gadgets, and other devices don't require special programming to… Continue reading Machine Learning in Mobile Application Development

Data Analytics, digital transformation

Why Business Organization Needs Data Analytics

Data analytics is the science of extracting patterns, trends, and actionable information from large sets of data. While often used interchangeably with the term “business intelligence,” it’s useful to distinguish the terms. Think of business intelligence as the ways in which companies use data to improve their management and operations. Data analytics involves improving your… Continue reading Why Business Organization Needs Data Analytics

Blockchain, digital transformation, software development

Top 8 Web Development Trends of 2019

2019 is here, and it promises to bring with it fresh ideas, modern innovations and new initiatives in web development we deserve; from the current developments on AI through Machine Learning to Blockchain and Cryptocurrency influencing the global economy. Indeed, when it comes to technology, everything is so variable and unpredictable. Now and then, advancement… Continue reading Top 8 Web Development Trends of 2019

software development

Top 8 challenges in software project management

Managing projects of all sizes and levels of complexities is part of business, regardless of what vertical industry you’re talking about. Software development is no different. New in-house software development and implementations, infrastructure related projects, enhancements or upgrades, and the increasing development of web-based solutions and mobile apps are a constant within the software industry.… Continue reading Top 8 challenges in software project management