machine learning

Eight Effective Ways To Leverage Machine Learning Ad Tools

More and more agencies and brands are relying on machine learning these days to analyze mountains of data and provide insights they can use to better inform advertising campaigns. Using ML, artificial intelligence tools can recognize patterns in data gleaned from existing campaigns to see how ads are impacting customer engagement, purchase intent and conversion… Continue reading Eight Effective Ways To Leverage Machine Learning Ad Tools


Decentralized Blockchain Solutions to the Rising Oracle Challenges

Due to decentralization and cryptographic hashing, blockchain technology is permanently transparent and tracks the origins of each digital resource. A Google Doc may help one understand the fundamentals of blockchain technology. A document created and exchanged over a network is distributed, not just reproduced or copied. The decentralized distribution chain now begins, allowing everyone to… Continue reading Decentralized Blockchain Solutions to the Rising Oracle Challenges

digital transformation, machine learning, Mobile app, software development, Uncategorized

Leveraging Innovative Technology To Gain A Competitive Advantage In Software Development

Modern enterprise application development cycles are getting shorter in the ever-evolving tech world as technology leaders internally leverage innovative tools to accelerate digital transformation. With valuable solutions like AI-based tools, advanced web applications and third-party APIs becoming readily available to software developers, speed to market, quality and purpose-built solutions are instrumental in improving competitiveness. Whether… Continue reading Leveraging Innovative Technology To Gain A Competitive Advantage In Software Development