Blockchain, digital transformation, software development

Top 8 Web Development Trends of 2019

2019 is here, and it promises to bring with it fresh ideas, modern innovations and new initiatives in web development we deserve; from the current developments on AI through Machine Learning to Blockchain and Cryptocurrency influencing the global economy.

Indeed, when it comes to technology, everything is so variable and unpredictable. Now and then, advancement and breakthroughs surprise us and shift our world. The digital revolution continues to set trends and tempt us with new technologies that developers and programmers everywhere will be crazy about. People are always excited to know the most in-demand languages/frameworks as well the latest updates on the web design and software development outsourcing.

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To give you a foresight on what will happen this year, here’s the Top 8 Web Development Trends of 2019 that will dominate the web industry.

  1. AI or Bots

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the intelligence displayed by machines to mimic human intelligence and perform cognitive functions like the ability to learn, collect data, analyze information, understand emotions or solve challenging problems. The need for AI-enabled communication, multi-task automation, and analytics solutions will become more prevalent this year.

As early as now we can see how AI’s chatbots, virtual assistants (like Amazon’s Alexa, Apple’s Siri and Microsoft’s Cortana) and voice bots helped businesses engagement and transformed social interaction. Their evolutions empowered the omnichannel for digital customer experience and guaranteed consistency across voice, chat, messaging and websites.

With the help of Machine Learning (ML) development and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) researches and studies, AI might achieve its coveted goals – to successfully simulate genuine human empathy and demonstrate commonsense knowledge.

  1. JavaScript

JavaScript is still the most popular language for the last six years, and it continues to develop according to Stack Overflow 2018 report. The evolution of its frameworks, libraries, and designs for the past years proved that it has lots to offer in the market. No wonder it’s developer’s top pick language for it provides a whole new experience of flexibility, challenge, and power.

  1. Progressive Web App

Progressive Web Apps (or PWAs) are still part of 2019 hottest web trends. These modern web applications load like regular web pages or websites but have a high level of functionality. They can load instantly, regardless of the network state and browser choice because they’re built with progressive enhancement, a strategy for web design that emphasizes core webpage content first.

PWA ensures an instant, independence and reliable experience of users without cache issues. It’s safe because it served via HTTP to avert content snooping and data tampering.

On top of that, PWA is user-friendly, installable and hassle-free which enhances the existing web technologies—thanks to its service workers and other built-in features. It can be shared via a URL and can re-engage users with web push notifications.

  1. Single Page Application

Single-page application (SPA) is a web application based on Javascript which works well among user devices. It boosts performance, minimize interruptions due to page reloading and decreases web development time by responding to navigation actions without creating a request to fetch new HTML from the server side.

Why is SPA well liked?

It’s an excellent pick when building responsive websites, support mobile, tablet & desktop apps. Most recent developments on SPA are based on React and Angular frameworks that make it practical and suitable for hybrid apps.

  1. Mobile-Friendly Website

Mobile-friendly websites are websites that work well on smartphones. They use touch controls and can fit on small screens for quick navigation. Furthermore, they load fast due to their fantastic features which reduce data entry.

In 2016, Google’s A-Team created its own first mobile-optimized search index. It’s one of Google’s best approaches to give their smartphone visitors the same quality of user experience when delivering search results regardless of the device they’re using.

Although hardware and user-interface are different between desktops and mobile devices, many companies adopted the strategy to start digital traffic and increase their website marketability. It’s a wise move for the number of mobile phone users in the world. And it is expected to pass the five billion mark by 2019 according to

  1. Motion UI

With a great demand for interactive web design, Motion UI will still be trending this year for its dynamic graphics, amazing animation and real impacts on usability. It showcases the developer’s ability to tell a visual story while communicating to the viewer using a variety of tools and techniques.

Motion UI is a sustainable library that allows the seamless transition effects on the user interface. It’s one of the most rapidly gaining popularity libraries because it enables developers to animate content as easy as possible even without having a solid foundation in JavaScript or jQuery library.

  1. Blockchain Technology

Thanks to Satoshi Nakamoto, the unknown person who [claimed to be a Japanese] created and developed the bitcoin, we’ve entered the Bitcoin Era. And from it, the Blockchain Technology emerges which heyday is still evident nowadays.

Blockchain is an open and distributed ledger, notorious for its secured design, decentralized consensus, and modified-resistance blocks. It’s designed to lower the financial business cost, reduce the frequency of transaction settlement and improve cash flow backed up by transparent records/data.

As a peer-to-peer network manages it, it has a strict protocol for inter-node communication and new block validation process that earned it the title as the “First and Most Trusted Global Cryptocurrency Company.”

  1. Cybersecurity

Ever since data breaches, cyber threats, website hacking, and data theft are the terrible menace that lurks on the darkest shadows of technological advancement and scientific progression, and 2019 will be no exemption. Thus, cybersecurity won’t disappear soon.

Cybersecurity or information technology security (IT security) is the computer protection systems against theft, service disruption or misdirection as well as on hardware, software or electronic data damages.

IT security experts envisage that those cybercriminals won’t stop to look for vulnerabilities and victims. With that in mind, individuals, companies, communities, and industries need to strengthen their security system to protect their private info, servers, and databases. Therefore, tenacious solutions are necessary to battle the cyber challenges of the contemporary world.

The Future is NOW

The web development industry is doing a great job coming up with new frameworks, design trends, and mobile web app developments to satisfy the incessant demands and expectations of mankind. And despite some setbacks and flaws, it continues to thrive, flourish and improve.

So, no matter what project you’ll be working on in 2019, find time to update your skill set and learn new languages and frameworks to stay on top of your game. And for those who are planning to change their job or career, try web programming—it’s fun, challenging and worth exploring.


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